Month: April 2023

Can humans sense the aurora borealis?

I’m pretty much convinced that the aurora borealis now wakes me up. It’s a regular occurrence the past few months to wake up in the middle of the night, step outside to an aurora show, and a few minutes later the aurora is gone. Yesterday morning, I woke up...
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A spectacular drive to Skagway and Dyea

On April 11th, I drove to Skagway and Dyea with Bella and Tucker for the first time since January 5, 2020. Covid, of course, made drives to Skagway impossible for much of that 3 years. Although I was in Skagway last October, Cathy did most of the driving. I...
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The Alaska cruise season is about to start

I took Bella and Tucker to Skagway and Dyea yesterday. While I’m going to write up a fairly lengthy post to describe this spectacular day, I’m going to start with this brief one, which is basically a post I made on the Alaska Cruise Lovers group on Facebook, with...
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Yukon Spring – a motorcycle and aurora day

Spring hasn’t actually arrived yet – even the 14-day forecast calls for temperatures to remain well below seasonal norms. Given our above-normal snow load, the slow melt is very good news for all the people who have been flooded or threatened by floods the past two years. But yesterday...
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Scaling back – “Everything Husky!” is history

While improving ExploreNorth and The ExploreNorth Blog is an ongoing process, other parts of my network die. I opened “Everything Husky!” in 1999, but as of a few minutes ago it is effectively closed, with most pages except about 35 pages of evergreen content deleted. Linking to other sites...
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