Month: June 2022

Writing a Chilliwack-area trail guide, 1988-1990

When I lived in BC (the first 40 years of my life), I spent an ever-increasing amount of time in the spectacular Chilliwack River and Skagit River valleys. In 1988 I had an idea that a trail guide would be a useful addition to BC bookstore shelves. By the...
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Another hike to the upper Venus silver mine

As I get older, the Yukon’s historic Venus silver mine (the primary subject of my first book) has become my fitness test. On Wednesday, I made my third attempt in a month to reach it. I made it. At 71, it was my slowest ever for the steep climb...
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Modifying my fleet of vehicles – selling and painting

Cathy and I spent a couple of nights in Vancouver last week – another medical trip for me. I was feeling well enough to take a lot of photos with the idea of writing a blog post about it, but the size and complexity is overwhelming and I haven’t...
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