Month: September 2020

Exploring the WP&YR railway along Lewis Lake, Yukon

I’m spending far too much time on the computer lately, scanning photos, slides, and paper of various sorts, in my effort to get my space de-cluttered. But the weather yesterday was so lovely (mostly sunny, headed for a high of 11°C) that I decided to get outside. Soon “outside”...
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A 6-day RV outing to Kluane Lake: Part 2

When I left off Part 1 of this journal, I was watching a bulldozer groom the banks of Silver Creek, on Friday, September 4th. In a few hours Cathy would be arriving from Whitehorse, but I had more exploring to do at the head of Kluane Lake. I was...
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A 6-day RV outing to Kluane Lake: Part 1

First, if you came to read anything on the blog in the past 12 days, my apologies for the blank pages. My tech support has been very good the past several years I’ve been with them, but sure dropped the ball on this one. I still don’t really understand...
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