Month: September 2019

Cruise ships in Skagway in the 1990s

Seeing the megaships that visit Skagway now, it’s interesting to look back at what the ships looked like 20-30 years ago. I started taking pictures of them in 1990 when I started picking up their passengers for bus tours. To many ship enthusiasts, the 1990s were nearing the end...
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Hiking Border Ridge in the White Pass

With a 90-minute hike up Summit Creek having gone well last Tuesday, I decided to give a more challenging hike a try the next day. The area I’ve come to call Border Ridge has no trail and rarely sees hikers. It’s high alpine – a land of bare granite,...
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A White Pass getaway – 3 days of hiking and aurora

I needed a mountain getaway, so last Monday drove the motorhome down to the White Pass for a few days. The weather forecasts called for 3 days of good weather, then rain. Getting out in the mountains and being disconnected were just what I needed. I left home just...
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Back to adventures – a drive to Skagway and an aurora night

My healing from the hiking accident is progressing nicely – far better than the doctors led me to believe would be the case. As I write this on Saturday morning, I’m planning to load the motorhome to get away for a few days on Monday. This past Wednesday, though,...
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I’m back – slowly recovering from my hiking injury

I last posted here on Sunday, August 18th. I was home for 2 days after an 8-day stay at Whitehorse General Hospital following a fall during a hike on August 7th. The day following my last post, Cathy and I flew to Vancouver to meet a neurologist at Vancouver...
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