Month: April 2019

Hiking the Yukon River Trail East at Whitehorse

On Saturday, our hiking group met at Chadburn Lake to hike the Yukon River Trail East, a loop running from Chadburn Lake to Canyon City and back. By about 11;20, 8 people and 6 dogs were on the trail. The loop actually starts on the Log Trail, which was...
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Hiking along the Yukon River to Canyon City at Whitehorse

Our hiking group used to do outings on Saturday mostly, but as the group is expanding, so is the variety of times and places. One of the members suggested a few days ago that dinner-time hikes might be nice, so on Thursday, 5 of us with 3 dogs met...
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In an April snowstorm on the Haines Highway with the RV

With my visit to Haines cut a bit short by the combination of a call about a friend in hospital and an approaching storm, I headed towards home at 6:30 Wednesday evening. With the workers having gone home for the day, there were no delays through the 8 miles...
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Exploring Haines, Alaska

Although I had planned for a bit more time, I ended up having 50 hours in Haines this time. I know Haines fairly well and didn’t have any real plans other than visiting with my friend Greg. It would just be a couple of days of wandering/exploring wherever the...
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Driving the Haines Highway in Yukon/BC/Alaska

My season opener trip for the RV was intended to be 4 days in Haines, Alaska, and then 4 days at Kluane Lake, Yukon. It didn’t work out that way, but more about that later. At 11:00 on Monday, we headed west – “we” being Bella, Tucker, Molly (the...
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A starry night along the South Klondike Highway

As I start writing this at 04:30, I’m up on the Haines Highway just north of the summit. I stopped here on my way north after 2 days and nights in Haines. As expected, it snowed overnight – there’s 2-3 inches, so it should be beautiful when dawn arrives...
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The final day of my short Vancouver getaway

The timing for this short visit to Vancouver worked out very well. After 2 gorgeous days, the weather was forecast to turn sour as I left. I had no plans for Day 3, and I didn’t really feel driven to see or accomplish anything. Wandering around looking at flowers,...
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A 2-night Vancouver getaway: Day 1

My plans for this short visit to Vancouver were very basic – well, I had no specific plans actually. I was just going to wander around the downtown area with my camera and see what happened. The wheels of my plane touched the runway at 11:05, and 14 minutes...
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Flying from Whitehorse to Vancouver for a getaway

I’ve been itching to go somewhere for a while. Something easy and short – just a head-clearing sort of trip. Last week, with a good weather forecast in both places, I booked an Air North flight to from Whitehorse to Vancouver Sunday morning, and 2 nights at the Executive...
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