Month: May 2016

Alberta ranching history at the Bar U Ranch

Compared to the mileages we’ve been putting on in recent days, Day 32 of the trip – Wednesday, May 25th – was a fairly long one, with a historic site stop that was much longer than I’d expected. We needed to drive a total of 258 km (160 mi)...
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Mounted Police Museum, & Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump

The 31st day of the trip – Tuesday, May 24th – was so varied that I broke the journal up into 2 posts, the first about our coal-country stops, and this one about Prairie history – the Mounted Police, and buffalo. We didn’t put on many miles this day...
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Coal days: Visiting Sparwood and the Frank Slide

After leaving Fort Steele at about 4:00 pm on Day 30 of the trip – Monday, May 23rd – we soon left gold country and entered coal country, and visits to Sparwood and the Frank Slide over the next 24 hours gave us a look at the present and...
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Exploring Fort Steele Heritage Town, BC

The National Historic Site of Fort Steele Heritage Town was our main focus for Day 30 of the trip – Monday, May 23rd – and we only drove 123 km (76 mi) to Sparwood following that visit. We spent over 4 very enjoyable hours at Fort Steele, and this...
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The Crowsnest Highway from Osoyoos to Fort Steele

Neither of our overnight locations as we drove the Crowsnest to Fort Steele on Days 28 and 29 were the ones I’d planned on, and the weather was mostly awful, but it was still a beautiful drive. On Day 28 – Saturday, May 21st, we only drove 160 km...
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Two days in Osoyoos, BC

After spending a week at Bear Creek Provincial Park in West Kelowna following Cathy’s arrival from Whitehorse, our first day on the road with the whole family back together was a very short one, just 142 km to Osoyoos. This was Day 26 of the trip – Thursday, May...
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A week at Bear Creek Provincial Park, West Kelowna

Cathy and I both thought that spending a week at Bear Creek Provincial Park might be a bit too long, but it turned out that it was nowhere near long enough. We did very little touring and didn’t even make it to any wineries (!). But it was an...
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A short drive from Hedley to West Kelowna

Day 19 of the trip – Thursday, May 12th – was a very easy driving day, just 138 km (86 mi) from Stemwinder Provincial Park near Hedley to Bear Creek Provincial Park in West Kelowna. The drive is very scenic, on Highways 3, 3A, and 97 – click here...
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Driving the Hope-Princeton Highway, Hope to Hedley

The parking lot at the Hope Slide was a great place to overnight, although there was some noise from the truck brake check stop below us. As Day 18, Wednesday, May 11th, began, this was the view from the little window straight ahead of me at the table I...
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A short drive, Chilliwack to the Hope Slide

After a couple of days camped at the Cottonwood Meadows RV Park at Chilliwack and visiting long-time friends in the area, Day 17, Tuesday, May 10th, was the next exploring day. I had 2 nights, 3 days to drive the 358 km to Bear Creek Provincial Park in West...
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