Month: April 2013

A day of Spring, a day of Winter

This can be a frustrating time of year for anyone who enjoys being outside. The sun is doing a good job of warming the earth up to welcome life back in a grand way, but Father Winter still pops back for a visit. On Wednesday, I took Monty for...
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It’s not Spring in Skagway yet, either

This is always a busy time of year, and this year is no exception. With Father Winter hanging around Whitehorse long after he’s worn out his welcome, I’ve been to Skagway twice in the past 10 days, searching in vain for Spring on the coast. For the past few...
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Spring exploring: the Kusawa Lake Road

Spring makes me crazy to get out of the house, and Friday (April 5th) looked like a good road-trip day, so Monty and I headed west on the Alaska Highway. It was -21°C (-6°F), sunny and windy when we left the house just after 9:30 – great for car-touring,...
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A look at Whitehorse from the airport trail

Arguably the most scenic walking trail in Whitehorse is the one along the airport property overlooking the city. It’s also one of the least-used, and those two things together make it one of my favourite places for long walks. On Wednesday I took advantage of a sunny and reasonably...
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A tour of Yukon Energy’s Whitehorse power plants

A couple of weeks ago, I happened to notice a comment on Yukon Energy’s Facebook page that they were going to do a tour of their power production plants (both hydroelectric and diesel) the following day, and I popped a note off to them to put me on the...
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