Month: March 2013

Motorcycle season in the Yukon has begun

I’ve been watching the long-range weather forecasts especially closely for weeks now, trying to figure out when I could get on the bike for the first time. The biggest hold-up is always Fireweed Drive, the road that connects us to the Alaska Highway – it has a curve that’s...
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Back in the Yukon, home of Father Winter

I flew home from Kelowna a couple of days ago, on Wednesday, going from temperatures as high as +15°C (59°F) back to nights down to -32°C (-26°F) The weather forecast called for clouds and showers for the entire trip except for the last hour into Whitehorse, but Vancouver was...
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Back in the Okanagan Valley

Some of you are wondering what I’m up to, as I haven’t posted in almost 2 weeks. I’m in Kelowna with my Dad at the moment, but here’s the catch-up. Way back on the 8th, we had the best of days and the worst of days on the same...
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March in the Yukon – it’s all about the sun

We’re having a wonderful spell of sunshine in Whitehorse right now, and like most Northerners, I’m embracing it. Temperatures at night are still a bit chilly but overall we’re a little above average, day and night, for this period. The weather forecast for the next week calls for lots...
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From Winter to Spring – Whitehorse to Dyea

It’s that time of year when I love being able to drive to Spring. On Saturday, Cathy, Bobbie and I took advantage of a forecast sunny day to drive to Dyea, to get away from the snow for just a couple of hours. I always take far fewer pictures...
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