Month: December 2012

‘Twas the day before Christmas

I had to go into Whitehorse to run a couple of errands today, so I thought I’d take some photos of what the day before Christmas looks like in the Yukon’s capital city. The photo above was taken right at noon from the shoulder of the main access road...
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Cycling to the Arctic, and other Winter-related stuff

Yesterday was a busy day. The main project was to drive down the Alaska Highway to meet Brek Boughton, the cyclist who’s headed for Tuktoyaktuk, but that had to be fit in among other things. This is what our weather station looked like at 10:09, a minute before sunrise....
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Photography in the Yukon at -37 degrees

This has been a very dreary winter so far in the southern Yukon, with very little sun and lots of snow. Our winters used to be clear and cold – invigorating rather than dreary. When I saw this weather forecast yesterday morning, however, my world brightened up considerably –...
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A successful elk hunt in the Yukon

As the shortest day of the year approaches, I’m having a bit of trouble with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). I have a therapy light that helps, but hitting the road is what makes my days good. Yesterday, I decided on the spur of the moment to go on an...
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Mother Nature’s amazing winter palette

A weather forecast showing sunshine in Skagway was all the encouragement I needed to hit the road again yesterday – sunshine in Skagway in the winter doesn’t happen very often! The first photo was shot at 10:14, 15 minutes after sunrise, just north of Carcross, with the temperature at...
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Driving to Skagway, Alaska, at -20 degrees

I’m always watching the weather for good road-trip days. The longer I’ve been off the road, though, the more accepting I am of what I might at other times consider a mediocre day, and yesterday was one of those. With some sun and a high of -22°C (-8°F) forecast...
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Exploring Kelowna, and flying back to Whitehorse

I’m a few days behind again – we had little free time while we were in Kelowna, and I’m just getting things back to normal now after getting home Sunday night. Friday began wet and dreary – this was the view (or lack of) from Dad’s deck in West...
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