Month: November 2012

Flying from Whitehorse to Kelowna

Cathy and I are “on the road” again, this time a 5-day trip to Kelowna, British Columbia, to help my Dad celebrate his 90th birthday. For the first time ever, we picked a very civilized flight time that allowed for a calm morning. This is our Air Canada Express...
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The North Klondike Highway in all seasons

I’ve just posted a lengthy article about the North Klondike Highway between Whitehorse and Dawson City, with 68 photos and commentary from my 100+ trips up and down the highway in all seasons, in all manner of vehicles. These are 3 of those photos. The article can be found...
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Storm-chasing in a Yukon winter

I needed some excitement yesterday, and the weather forecast for the South Klondike Highway called for snow and wind, so I figured I’d go down to do some extreme-weather photography. My daughter posted on my Facebook page last night: “Only you would take off down the highway HOPING for...
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Oh look, it’s snowing – isn’t it pretty?

I’ve been quiet here for almost 2 weeks as I try to get back to reality after our trip to Europe. It’s actually been snowing for almost 6 weeks here now, almost daily recently, so moving snow takes up a fair bit of time. The title of this post...
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