Day: 20 October 2012

A look at Koblenz and Marksburg Castle

We docked at Koblenz very early Thursday morning, and spent the day exploring the city as well as nearby Marksburg Castle and the massive Ehrenbreitstein Fortress that looms over the city. This was the view from our stateroom at 7:20am as we were about to go for breakfast. This...
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A quick look at Bernkastel, and cruising the Mosel

I enjoyed my walk around Bernkastel on Tuesday night but was looking foward to seeing it in the daylight too. The medieval center of town is wonderful. Some of the buildings have quite a tilt to them, especially this skinny one. Today was a day of funny signs, starting...
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Exploring ancient Trier, and sailing to Bernkastel

We spent two nights docked at Trier, Monday and Tuesday. One our first day there, we took a coach tour to Luxembourg, and the next morning we explored Trier by motocoach and on foot. I started this post with 44 photos because I had so much I wanted to...
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