Website changes
For the past week, my view has been variations of this sort of screen, as I move almost 30,000 Web site files to new servers.

In my continuing move towards retirement, I’ve closed both my travel and Web site hosting businesses, and moved my own sites to new, much smaller/cheaper server space. ExploreNorth, alone, though, consists of 24,090 files taking up 1.48GB of space. If I had a T1 line and good software it would be a big job, but with Yukon-style Internet service and really awful Mac software, it’s mind-numbing.
As part of these moves, you’ll see some changes, and you may have tried to reach some sites that were unavailable. This blog in particular has some issues – what was supposed to be a seamless move turned out to not be, and I’ve got a few hours yet to get it back the way it was. BUT, I’m almost finished! 🙂 I’m taking the day off today to go to Skagway – I deserve a better view for a few hours. ttyl!