The longest night & the snowiest Winter
Today is the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year. The sun in Whitehorse will only be above the horizon (if there were no mountains) for 5 hours, 38 minutes. With this very warm weather, though, come clouds, so it’s even darker. With the clouds, snow has arrived as well – Whitehorse is getting a lot, Carcross is getting buried, with wind drifting it nearly hood-high on my Subaru overnight in places. We now have the amount of snow that normally doesn’t accumulate until late February or March.
My kilometer-long driveway isn’t glaciering this year, but the snowplow is getting a good workout. Luckily I modified my push to send a lot of the snow over a steep enbankment or the banks would already be above my plow height – then the road starts to get narrow. See how interesting “the simple life” can be? 🙂