Sports help keep kids off the streets
Over the years I’ve met a lot of kids, in 3 main ways:
- while I coached minor soccer;
- while I served as an Auxiliary Constable for the Whitehorse RCMP
- when I drove charter bus and took Yukon kids to sports tournaments all over the Yukon, BC, Alaska and Alberta.
Can you guess in which capacity I met the nicest kids?
With the upcoming federal election on October 14, our friends at Sport Matters [archived by the Wayback Machine] have launched a national campaign entitled “I Believe in the Power of Sport” to encourage people in their local communities to drive positive changes at the federal level for sport across Canada. Sport Matters is a national volunteer group of sport leaders and advocates that work actively to shape sport policy in Canada.
This national grassroots initiative calls for members in each of our communities to take action by reaching out to candidates with their personal messages about the power of sport. The goal of Sport Matters is to have participation in all 308 ridings from individuals and organizations.