Puppy, tours, logging, websites… and tragedy
Although I haven’t posted here much lately, it’s not because there’s nothing going on. It’s not all exciting stuff, and not even all happy stuff, but it keeps me busy.
One of my greatest joys is certainly Bella. Watching her grow up has been wonderful – she’s as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside, and Monty adores her. This photo was taken 3 days ago – she had just found this treasure out in the “back 40” 🙂 Bella is currently having a few down days, as she was at the vet’s yesterday to have a hernia repaired – as I write this, she’s having a painkiller-assisted nap under my desk.

A few months ago, a long-time friend whose family operates Journeys by Jerry Van Dyke, asked me to be their Whitehorse guide when they came through on a Yukon/Alaska tour/cruise. I ended up spending almost 2 days with them instead of a few hours, and then wished that I could keep going with them. I shot this photo of Spot helping my guests understand sled dogs better during Yukon mushing legend Frank Turner’s presentation at his kennel.

We love our view of Golden Horn, but it’s always been a bit of a nag that I could make it even better without losing any of the privacy we enjoy. Last Friday, I went logging, and this is the result – a broader view of Golden Horn, and a few weeks of free heat next winter. That’s a Yukon-style win-win!

Working on websites is a never-ending project, and re-writing all my community guides is the main background project after writing new articles. A big part of each of those guides is the photo album, and I’ve just finished Ketchikan. For me, it’s a lot of fun looking back at my many visits, and hopefully others will find them useful for planning their upcoming visits, or to trigger memories of past visits. Click here to see the Ketchikan album.

I have to end this post on a sad note. Today in Moncton, New Brunswick, a regimental funeral service is being held for the three RCMP constables killed there on June 4th – Fabrice Georges Gevaudan, Douglas James Larche and Dave Joseph Ross. Perhaps only other members of the RCMP family can understand the deep level of pain that this tragedy has caused. I can’t even describe what it meant to meet the mother of Constable Anthony Gordon when I attended the memorial in Mayerthorpe, Alberta just 3 months ago. When I joined the RCMP as an Auxiliary officer, one of the first things we were warned about is that there are people out there who want to hurt a cop, and none of them will see or care about that tiny “Auxiliary” badge on our uniforms. Having 2 family members in the Force adds to the list of reasons that this national tragedy is deeply personal. The photo shows the flags at half-mast at RCMP “M” Division headquarters in Whitehorse.