On tour – passing through Tok, Alaska
It’s 06:04 and I’m sitting in my room at Young’s Motel In Tok. The air conditioning in my motorcoach died a few hours after leaving Whitehorse and it’s been hot as hell.
The itinerary for this tour is one of the type designed for people who want to spend as little as possible but still see Alaska – not until they get here do they find out that they have no free time so don’t see some of the things they want to. There have been a lot of complaints about poor rooms, no free time and of course the hot bus. This is a good trip to stongly confirm my decision to quit. I’m looking forward to seeing this country a lot more – but from my Subaru, at my own pace, with a whole lot of hiking, and preferably with Cathy beside me.
One woman asked me last night if she could get a cab to go downtown – I told her that there are no cabs in Tok, and no downtown to go to anyway. This motel is as good as it gets. The highlight of the trip for most of them so far seems to be the extra excursion up the Midnight Dome that I took them on at Dawson.
The photo below was shot at the Portage Glacier Visitor Center