My dogs know what’s important – walks!
Monty and Kayla know that what’s really important is getting out of the house at least twice a day regardless of the weather. As soon as it gets light and then again about 7:00pm, we make a loop around the property, which takes 10-15 minutes depending on the number of distractions (such as mice or moose-smells).
Our route starts on what used to be the road but is now our front yard. We’re letting trees grow on it (and even planting more), but won’t see the results for many years.

Then down the north side of the property, where Cathy found a new mouse-home yesterday.

Through the corral, which always has lots of good smells to check out. I sure wish I knew how much information they get from those sniffers.

The spot where the moose bedded down now has mice homes deep in the duff – apparently very deep, because serious digging the past few days has had no juicy results. Monty has figured out how to suck a mouse dry and spit the pelt and bones out – yuuum!

Through the back gate…

…and wait for the cookie that often results from being good on leash-free walks. It’s dark when we go for walks after dinner now, so we put collars with flashing red LED lights on the dogs – we can see them from a couple of hundred feet away if necessary. This morning, the sun rose at 9:24, and it will set tonight at 6:04.