Mid-Winter in the Yukon – snow clearing at home and cabin

After goofing off at the Yukon Quest start on Saturday, it was back to work on Sunday. I haven’t seen it confirmed, but this feels like a heavy snow year.

Clearing snow with a truck-mounted plow

Both my truck and back are getting good workouts. No need to have a gym membership in the Yukon – just live on acreage!

Shoveling snow in the Yukon

On Monday, it was off to our place in Carcross to dig it out – we haven’t been there at all this winter. It was dreary in Whitehorse when I left, but Montana Mountain at Carcross was looking good just before 10:00 am.

Montana Mountain - Carcross, Yukon

I made a detour though Carcross to get a photo of the peaks up Lake Bennett in the sunshine.

Lake Bennett, Yukon, in the winter

Normally there’s a well-used snowmobile trail leading up the railway tracks to my property, but this year it was untracked snow, adding about 300 feet of knee-deep snow to wade through before starting the dig up to the cabin.

Carcross cabin in the winter

One shovel at a time 🙂

Carcross cabin in the winter

Clearing the roof is fun – clearing the snow away once it’s on the ground, not so much.

Clearing snow from the roof of the Carcross cabin

The view down the lake to Mount Gray.

Mount Gray, Yukon

And across Carcross to Caribou Mountain. That’s the view that my webcam broadcast for several years while I lived there full-time.

Carcross webcam view

I went back up the highway to Spirit Lake Lodge for lunch, and took a few photos on the way back to the cabin.

Carcross, Yukon, in the winter

By 3:30 it was looking pretty good.

Carcross cabin in the winter

The important sub-path, to the outhouse, was done. I needed another day, though, and the forecast looked good for yesterday (Tuesday).

Carcross cabin in the winter

Minus 23 was not what I’d expected to see yesterday morning!

I delayed my departure a bit, and stopped to get a photo of these interesting cloud layers near Carcross, but it was still -18 when I got to the cabin.

Job 1 on a day like that is building a fire!

Lighting the woodstove in the Carcross cabin in the winter

The frost feathers on the windows were beautiful, but I prefer “cozy”, and the stove soon brought that.

Frost feathers at the Carcross cabin in the winter

The back of the cabin was yesterday’s job. With the wind we’ve had this year, the drifting was quite deep, on the roof and the ground.

Clearing deep snow at the Carcross cabin

Monty and Kayla soon settled into “husky” mode – Monty in particular loves this place.

Yukon huskies in the winter

Time for a coffee break. Despite what the bottle on the table might indicate, it actually was coffee 🙂

This is the way the back looks now – the roof is cleared but it was much tougher than I’d expected and I ended up taking a nap, with Monty curled up on the couch beside me. This snow isn’t a big deal, and I’ll chip away at it as the mood strikes. The cabin is presentable for 2 viewings this weekend, which was the intent, so in a hour I’m off to Skagway again.

Carcross cabin in the winter