I never thought I’d see this headline

Shots fired, man stabbed outside Whitehorse bar

It’s been a very long time since I thought of myself as being naive, but this headline in Friday’s Star threw me. A semi-automatic gun being fired on Main Street? What in hell is going on here? Just as important, where in hell are the cops? They KNOW who the people are who have this sort of firepower – they need to get off their asses and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT (didn’t the multi-billion-dollar Liberal “gun regulations” mess do wonders?).

I left Vancouver in 1990 because this had started to happen there. Having always been proud to be able to say that there was nowhere in Vancouver where you had to fear for your safety, and being the father of 2 young children, I had to look for a safe place, and Whitehorse was it for a decade. Now I’m just thankful of 2 things – (1) I don’t have to see Whitehorse very often, and (2) my kids are grown. The fact that my son is still in Whitehorse, as are other people I love, makes the rapidly-deteriorating situation there unacceptable.

I was in touch with the organizers of the crime protests when they were going on a few months ago, but they have no answers. What do Whitehorse residents have to do – start shooting/-fire-bombing the dopers themselves??? Hey Ernie, stop pissing your time and the taxpayers’ money away on your “legacy projects” and help clean up the mess.