I don’t read enough
Stated more accurately, I don’t read properly anymore. Like many people with busy lives, I read snippets of information rather than complete articles – on the Web mostly. I seldom buy newspapers anymore, and often they sit on the table for days or even weeks before I do more than glance through them. Books have dropped off my “to-do” list completely, and I feel bad about that because I love books. I have a huge library – books, magazines and historic documents – though most of the magazines went to Raven Recycling a couple of months ago.
This morning, I’ve been reading the newspapers that have sat on the table (some since September 24). Among them is What’s Up Yukon, a bi-weekly newspaper that follows events and a wide range of Yukon activities and lifestyles. Though I’m far from a regular reader, I’ve enjoyed watching the maturing of the journal and its writers, most of whom had never done anything like this before. The editor, Darrel Hookey, obviously loves his job, and I expect that his writers feed off that to some degree.
One of the reasons I’d like to get back to reading a lot is that I’d like to get back to writing. The main focus of that is my first book, “Fractured Veins & Broken Dreams“, which I’d really like to get updated and back in print. To do that, I need to get my head thoroughly back into writing – to do that, I need to get back into reading. There are days when I wish I had a 9-5 job and only one house so I could focus – not many of them, though…