Free Yukon Sled Porn videos!
For those of you who haven’t heard of the Yukon Powderhounds, “Sled Porn” isn’t that sort of video – these are some of the wildest snowmobile action films ever shot, and all are shot in our backyard. Now you can watch them on inexpensive downloads, and in fact can watch several hours of sledhead flicks for free during the 7-day free trial at TotalVid – not only Sled Porn, but Alticity, Extreme Velocity and many more. Just click on the video cover to see them all.
Yes, I do love the quiet in the backcountry, and my skis and sled don’t disturb that, but a weekend of riding an assortment of very hot sleds at the Haines Summit last April convinced me that the odd day of tearing through the mountains with your hair on fire is pretty cool, too! 🙂 The odds of me ever finding an extra 8 or 10 $1,000 bills in my jeans range from slim to none, though, so I just keep those toys off even my dream list.