Category: Funny Stuff

Alaskan Clydesdale

You might enjoy this email I received this morning: Only in Alaska… This guy raised an abandoned moose calf with his horses, and believe it or not, he has trained it for lumber removal and other hauling tasks. Given the 2,000 pounds of robust muscle, and the splayed, grippy...
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Wasting time – and enjoying it!

I got up really early this morning so I could get lots of my backed-up work done. Good theory. Then I found a Web site with a lot of very funny stickers and buttons and such, and my productivity rating fell to zero. They claim a million stickers, but...
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Fun with death

There are a lot of places in North America where putting a dead body on your lawn would be considered in bad taste. Bad taste because it happens too often. In Whitehorse, seeing police tape and a dead body on a lawn is just seen as getting into the...
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Beer scooters

Posting this will prevent my blood pressure from going any higher by thinking about Yukoners collectively failing both their IQ and Morality tests yesterday. Maybe the Beer Scooter explains that, too 🙂 ==================== How many times have you woken up in the morning after a hard night drinking and...
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Dictionary Additions

It looks like a gorgeous day coming – a good day to lighten up. Here are some essential vocabulary additions for the modern workplace (some of them made me cringe when I remembered working for the Yukon government a few years ago 😦 ):1.      BLAMESTORMING:  Sitting around in a group,...
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