Caribou Hotel – a new beginning to an old story
I love old buildings. Well, most old buildings. Some have such a history of bad karma that its very, very difficult to find anything to love. The Caribou Hotel is in that category, and ever since Bob Olsen was murdered I’ve been saying that I’d like to see it bulldozed for the same reason the residential schools were. It has been the focal point of many of Carcross’ problems for most of the past 6 decades and possiby the last century (though the period through the 1920s and ’30s when the community was well respected looks pretty good).
This past week, though, a total rebuild on the hotel has begun, and I have to admit that a soft spot is appearing for her.

The new owners have their work cut out for them – the building is an awful mess. But they have a vision that seems to be very similar to that of most residents – no longer will it be a hangout for drunks and dopers. A dozen or so nice rooms for visitors, and a restaurant/lounge with short hours will attract the folks who will appreciate and respect Carcross, and that is the sort of tourism that we need. Beyond tourism, it’s the sort of positive energy that the community needs.
Perhaps the shy ghost of Bessie Gideon will even be happy in the reborn hotel – at this point I can only hope that none of the negative energy of other spirits can find any dark corners to hide in.