Back on the Yukon Quest trail

While the lead teams have already crossed the race finish line in Whitehorse, I made another trip to Carmacks early this morning, moving checkpoint volunteers around. While I was waiting for the southbound fellow, I watched Katie Davis from Montana get her team ready to head out for Braeburn. There’s a lot that has to be done! The first photo was shot at exactly 09:00 am (somewhere behind the mountains, the sun had risen 14 minutes earlier).

Katie Davis, Yukon Quest 2010, Carmacks

There’s an interesting way to rest – the “pillow” was very cooperative 🙂

Some of Katie Davis' dogs, Yukon Quest 2010, Carmacks
Katie Davis, Yukon Quest 2010, Carmacks
Katie Davis, Yukon Quest 2010, Carmacks

This photo is an enhanced version of the one above.

The turn from the parking lot to the trail is very sharp, so a couple of handlers were used to keep everyone in proper order. Out on the trail a turn would never be made this sharp.

At 09:20, they’re heading south on the trail towards Braeburn, where they have a mandatory 8-hour rest.

Katie’s truck.

It takes a whole lot of gear to keep everyone healthy and all the gear functioning!