Alaska tops bucket lists in travel resolutions poll
“With New Year’s resolutions fresh in consumers’ minds, Princess Cruises fielded a poll to its Facebook fans to learn which destinations and travel experiences top their bucket lists in 2011. And respondents decisively answered that their number-one destination choice for the coming year is Alaska. One-fourth of respondents resolved to travel to the 49th state in the coming year.”
I rather think that the demographics of the Princess Cruises Facebook followers make it highly unlikely that anything close to 1/4 of them will make the trip in 2011, but it’s interesting to hear that Alaska has that strong a lure among the computer-literate part of the population. In the same poll, 17% of respondents chose dog mushing on an Alaskan glacier as their top bucket list experience, tying with visits to Machu Picchu and to the castles of Scotland.