Alaska Fishing – Beware the Salmon Sharks!

I’m sure that you’ve all heard about the incredible fishing in Alaska. Some of the really good spots get extremely crowded, though, resulting in what’s known as “combat fishing.” A day of fishing then turns into a ballet of sorts, with anglers coordinating their line tosses to avoid tangles as much as possible.

A fishing hazard that isn’t talked about much, though, is the presence of Salmon Sharks. Usually docile, they can get nasty when an angler takes a salmon that they had their eye on, as the unfortunate fellow to the right found out a couple of seconds later.

You might be thinking now: “Is this guy kidding???” Yes, I am, but when this picture arrived in my Inbox I just had to use it – it’s one of those days! For the real information about Alaska’s salmon sharks (which do exist), click here.