A Yukon-Gourmet Way to Start the Day
In about 2000, the Westmark Hotel in Fairbanks started offering smoked salmon eggs benedict for breakfast, and I fell in love – it was absolutely divine. Then the Millenium Hotel in Anchorage added it to their menu so I could treat myself more often. It’s a pricey meal, but worth every penny.
The photo above, though, wasn’t taken at either hotel – that’s our breakfast nook in Whitehorse an hour ago. Last week I visited Cathy and Larry Pierce (owners of Chilkoot Charters) in Skagway, and they gave me some home-smoked King salmon. Cathy and I have a busy weekend ahead, and she started the day off by creating this meal, easily the equivalent of what the Westmark or Millenium serve up for $40 a couple. Yuuuuuum! If you haven’t tried it yet, you deserve a treat, too.