A walk on the Whitehorse clay cliffs
I’ve mentioned the walk around the airport before, and yesterday was so pretty I decided to spend some time there after a meeting in town. The trail is paved for a few hundred yards and then is well-tracked dirt with many side-trails.
This is the north end of the trail complex – a long, full-height gully cuts the clay cliffs here, and the section of cliffs to the north of it is very short

Looking up Mountainview Drive, over the industrial area to Takhini Trailer Park on the right and the Yukon Arts Centre on the left.

A particularly well-used “canvas” for local vandals – I mean artists!

Tucked away in back yards and other rather hidden locations around town, there are still many Quonset huts remaining from World War II. After the war, they were sold to civilians. You’ll only see the odd one if you drive around town, but from the top of the clay cliffs many can be seen.

As of this past May, “The Wilderness City” is our official tagline, and I think that it’s perfect. Wilderness is only blocks away from most people’s front door.

Keeping the White Pass & Yukon Route tracks clear of mud from the ever-sliding clay cliffs is a never-ending job. This section of the rail line has only been used once in the past 30 or so years, though.

There are several condos being built around town – these are on Main Street.

Surprise, surprise, the trail offers fairly good airplane watching 🙂

The historic sternwheeler SS Klondike.

A particularly fine-looking red fox that I met on the trail. We both stopped and studied each other for about 5 seconds and then, apparently feeling that I wasn’t a threat, he/she calmly trotted around me.

It was an excellent walk except for one thing – I lost my car keys, and a couple of kilometers of backtracking had no result. The extra hour or so out in the cold wind did make my cold much worse, and it snowed last night so I may just be s.o.l. now 🙁