A Carcross day – distracted by Summer
My intention was to get a good day’s work done at our Carcross cabin yesterday, but I got a bit distracted by a few things, mostly the warm sun!
I got off to a late start, and when I finally got to Carcross about noon it was cloudy and quite cool – conducive to actually working 🙂 But the clouds soon disappeared and it got very warm, so I brought the “zero-gravity” lounger out onto the deck, then after a few minutes there, decided to walk down Lake Bennett about a mile to my favourite beach. I got there at about 2:45 – this is the view back towards Carcross. These photos were shot with my Fujifilm Finepix S1800.

The warm weather is 4-5 weeks late, and finally being barefoot on the coarse sand felt sooooo incredibly good!

The solitude was only disturbed for a couple of minutes when the WP&YR train from Skagway went by at 3:00 pm.

Back to enjoying the first day of real summer…

After an hour or so of soaking up the peace and warmth, I began the walk back to the cabin, but instead of walking along the railway line as I did going south, I opted for the beach. That took me to the mouth of Tincup Creek, another spot that I particularly enjoy.

Video probably shows my surroundings better.
Wading across the little creek felt so good.

The view back across the creek to Mount Gray.

I’d been watching a nasty electrical storm approaching from Tagish for a while and thought I was going to get very wet, but instead of coming down Lake Bennett the storm veered around Caribou Mountain…

… and headed north towards Whitehorse. A good place for it 🙂

I got a bit more work done when I got back to the cabin, but the total accomplishments of the day related more to mental health and getting a tan than to getting the property cleaned up. Maybe I’ll do better today. Naw, the weather forecast for today is even better! 🙂