Month: January 2023

A look back 32 years to my first mushing expedition

A Facebook Memory this morning sent me back into a folder of images I hadn’t looked at for a long time. It contains 222 scans of Kodachrome slides I shot in January 1991 during a dog-sled expedition into the remote Blaeberry Valley west of Golden, BC, at the western...
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A winter drive to Fraser, BC, and back

Although Winter is far from over in the Yukon, there’s a change in the air, and a bit of sunshine yesterday prompted a drive south into the mountains I love. I went as far as Fraser, which is the furthest I’ve driven in a very long time. Within about...
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A little detour into the hills to find some sun

I’m not getting out much anymore, but decided to go into town and get a few groceries yesterday. It’s been dark, cloudy and dreary lately, but despite there being no good weather forecast, I wondered if perhaps the Fish Lake Road might climb up into better weather. Did it...
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