Month: May 2022

My giant leap into the world of aviation 55 years ago

I seem to have never acknowledged this day (May 30th) for its significance as a life-changing day. It would certainly be on the very short list of the most significant such days ever for me. This day, May 30th, 55 years ago, was my first time in an airplane....
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A short hike at the historic Venus silver mill

The drive down the South Klondike on May 17th whetted my appetite for more mountain time in a big way, so on the 19th I headed down the South Klondike Highway again, with a more ambitious plan. I left Bella and Tucker at home because although it was a...
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A short drive but a big step

Well, my friends, I don’t know how this will end, but I’m going to try to write a blog post in the style of “the before times.” If successful it will be my second post in 6 months. I have two things going on health-wise. I’m not going to...
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